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The Sysmex Scientific Calendar
Sysmex Scientific Calendar 2007
Lymphatic cells
Inclusion bodies
Rare cells
Cytoplasmic protrusions

Arte?-Fact? - Agglutination - Calendar 2007 month 6

Blood should be stored or transported at room temperature and not in a refrigerator. Strong temperature fluctuations can alter cell morphology.

Rouleaux formation or clumping of the erythrocytes is often found in cases where cold agglutinins are present. (Cold agglutinins cause haemolysis. Erythropoiesis is raised compensatorily, which can be recognised by the appearance of polychromasia.)

The edge of a correctly prepared blood film from a normal blood sample. Relatively few leukocytes (compare to the following picture).

During the preparation of a large number of blood films for EQA purposes, the blood drop on the slide had already started to dry prior to smearing, so that, when the blood film was made, many leukocytes were pulled towards the edge, resulting in disturbed cell distribution (same magnification as the previous picture).

Blood film of a normal blood sample which had frozen in the mailbox. One can only recognise erythrocyte 'shadows'.

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