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The Sysmex Scientific Calendar
Sysmex Scientific Calendar 2007
Lymphatic cells
Inclusion bodies
Rare cells
Cytoplasmic protrusions

Arte?-Fact? - Granulocytes - Calendar 2007 month 7

A general rule with regard to granulocyte morphology: The sicker the patient, the faster occur cell changes in EDTA blood. In patients in intensive care, the changes are often found after only 1-2 hours.

Granulocytes showing storage related degradation (for example, vacuolisation) can be seen in EDTA blood samples from healthy persons after 1-2 days (here after 48 hours). In samples from severely ill patients this can occur already after several hours.

Granulocytes with typical reddish granulation from a patient treated with granulocyte growth factor (GCS-F).

Storage of normal EDTA blood over a period of two days can falsely elevate the number of band cells (bottom right).

These so-called pseudo-Pelger’s nuclear anomalies with abnormal chromatin condensation and/or deficient nuclear segmentation are often found with viral infections, after chemotherapy, or with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Conversely, the true Pelger’s nuclear anomaly is hereditary and without pathological significance.

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