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The Sysmex Scientific Calendar
Sysmex Scientific Calendar 2007
Lymphatic cells
Inclusion bodies
Rare cells
Cytoplasmic protrusions

Arte?-Fact? - Rare cells - Calendar 2007 month 9

Everyone who performs microscopy daily will find cells which cannot be classified immediately. There is a helpful truism: Common things are common and rare things are rare. However, rare diseases do exist and must not be initially excluded.

At low magnification, a drop of sputum is easily detected. When enlarged considerably, it might cause confusion.

It is extremely rare that cancerous cells leak into the peripheral blood. Here, the cells from a breast carcinoma are visible on the blood film.

The endothelial cells are part of the vascular wall which was damaged during venipuncture. (Blood coagulation was activated during the process: On the bottom left a fibrin fibre can be recognised.)

Malignant melanoma cells have leaked into the peripheral blood (edge of the blood film).

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