Author(s): H. Diem (1), R. Hinzmann, F. Forstreuter (2)
Institution(s): (1) Würmtal-Labor, 82131 Gauting; (2) Sysmex Europe GmbH, Norderstedt - Germany
References: The Sysmex Scientific Calendar 2008; Photos and text: Heinz Diem, MD; text: Rolf Hinzmann, MD, PhD; Frauke Forstreuter, PhD
Last change of this image collection: 2008/01/01
Tumour cells are rarely detected in peripheral blood. In the majority of cases they indicate an extremely poor prognosis for the patient since they are normally a sign of advanced metastasis of the primary tumour.
Breast cancer cells (->) in peripheral blood.
Bone marrow analysis of the same patient reveals breast cancer metastases.